Sergii Speshylov

Sergii Speshylov

Licensing: 6501433385

In the bustling realm of real estate, Sergii Speshylov stands out as a dedicated professional who understands that a home is more than just bricks and mortar—it's the foundation for building a life, a family, a career, and more. With a background in the medical field, Sergii has transitioned into a self-employed role, driven by his passion for helping people achieve their dreams.

Originally from the vibrant energy of New York City, Sergii and his wife, Mariia, both migrated from Ukraine with nursing degrees in hand. While Mariia embraced a career as a Dental Assistant, Sergii took a different path, deciding to impact lives in a unique way—through real estate. Their family is completed by the presence of their lovable French Bulldog, Leo.

For Sergii, the decision to step into the real estate world was made easy by the incredible support he received, both at the beginning of his journey and ongoing from his dedicated team. Every day brings new and unique challenges in real estate, from clients to transactions and properties, and Sergii thrives on the excitement that each brings.

Beyond the world of real estate, Sergii and Mariia share a common passion for exploring the world. Traveling is not just a hobby for them; it's a way to connect with different cultures and marvel at the beauty our planet has to offer.

Sergii's ultimate goal is to continue growing his family and achieve financial freedom. His vision is to bring children into the world with the assurance that they can spend unlimited quality time together. Fluent in English, Ukrainian, Polish, and Russian, Sergii values straightforwardness and authenticity in both his personal and professional life. He is not one for sugar-coating, preferring directness and transparency.

In his pursuit of success, Sergii is guided by the principle of Quality Time—whether it's one-on-one interactions, coaching, or training. This dedication to meaningful connections reflects his commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of those he serves, one home at a time.

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